Karuna Abhiyan Full Details » Fnews4u.com

Karuna Abhiyan full details

Karuna Abhiyan full details

Karuna Abhiyan– The International Kite Festival or Uttrayan attracts hundreds of thousands of participants and visitors from all over the world here every year, but a lot of birds also get injured due to kite strings and some even die.

However, last year the state government launched ‘Karuna Abhiyan’ (Compassion Mission) to provide ?rst-aid to birds which receive fatal injuries due to kite strings.

Shri Vijay Rupani urged the citizens to not use Chinese threads during Uttrayan.He further said that the government was taking necessary steps to protect lives of birds during the festival. The governmen thas setup ‘1962’ Aninmal Helpline Ambulancein 11 major cities of the state. Each of the secentresis equipped with pre-operative, post- operative and ICU facilities.

While more than 23,000 birds were saved during the Karuna Abhiyan last year, the number of rescued birds has been 10,571 between 10th and 20th January 2018. The government deployed various media including television, print publications, radio, public information of?ces and rallies to create awareness about the ill-effects of the Chinese Manja (thread to ?y a kite).

The government of?cials also seized Chinese Manja worth Rs. 8 lakhs during the Karuna Abhiyan. The campaign saw participation from 6,293 volunteers, and the government also requested people not to ?y kites before 9 am and after 6 pm.

More than the social awareness created by the campaign, the steps of the state government clearly indicate that weshouldact with resp on sibility to wards our environment and other natural beings while celebrating our festivals and following our traditions

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